The Children of the Middle East

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Need for change, transparency, accountability, checks and balances were a fresh breath of air leading up to the race for the presidency in 2008.  Sadly, the Obama presidency is just as secretive and sneaky as the former Bush administration.
Extension to three parts of the Patriot Act which were to expire on February 28th was pushed through the House as part of the Senate amendment to the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act.  The extension was introduced as only an amendment to the Medicare Physician Payment Reform act, not a stand-alone bill.   The House Democratic leadership camouflaged the extension averting any debate or any roll call vote.  This allows Congress to hide their vote on this (as no roll call vote is taken) and avoid the anger of their constituents. 
What is most surprised is that more Democrats voted for the extension than Republicans and the majority of Congress were voted favour (22% against, 4% no vote, 74% for) of this extension without any change or reform to the Patriot Act.  Whatever happened to the draft reforms of the judicial committees of the Senate and the House?  It seems although Decision 2008 led to a party change in the United States Government, obviously the players are still the same. 
With the Bush administration it didn’t take long for one to see what was behind their subterfuge, the emperor was quickly seen as having no clothes.  The Obama government is considerably more dangerous than the Bush administration as it cloaks itself as a wolf in sheep’s clothing utilizing the prodigious oratorical skills of Barach Obama.  .  The Obama campaign promises “I will make our government open, and transparent so that anyone can ensure that our business is the people’s  business”  and “when a bill lands up on my desk, you, the public,  will have five days to view it online” are diametric, polar opposites on how the extension of the Patriot Act was handled. 
After the Bush administration was exposed as misleading, stirring the pot and downright lying to the American public, the Obama government, which ran on a platform of change, accountability and transparency, is guilty of concealing the true intentions and actions of the Obama government.  This should be a wake-up call to the American public as they are witnessing just more of the same.

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