The Children of the Middle East

Monday, February 15, 2010


This is an amazing, enlightening documentary about George W. Bush's post 9/11 policy changes which threaten the civil liberties of American citizens.  It is a comparison between Hitler's Nazi Germany uprising and what is presently occurring in the United States and Ms. Wolf is very effective in proving her case. 

Based on the ten conditions required under which an open society becomes a closed society through subversion of the constitution, this documentary backs up its claim with factual news coverage. Even if you do not buy into the basic premise of the film, it leaves you wondering where is America going.  Considering the initial false premise of war on Iraq, this film paints very disturbing picture of political America and leaves one question the motives and methods of the War Against Terror.

As a Canadian,this disturbs me greatly as America is our greatest ally and we have supported their efforts in the occupation of Iraq and Afganistan.  Since 9/11, the public has learned that Iraq has no ties to Al Queda making the War on Iraq questionable, if not illegal.  What surprises me the most, is that it seems that most Americans do not seem to question why they were directly lied to by their government.  I do not think that American public is complacent, I believe the news media is not reporting the true discontent of the American public as they did with the reporting of the 9/11 events themselves.  I also truly believe that the news media is influenced by those in power and it is difficult for the American public to protest something they are not aware of.

Those who independently pursue the truth behind the 9/11 terror attacks in the mildest manner, not suggesting any involvement by the government in the attacks, but only attempting to reconcile the differences between the official story and the physical evidence, are immediately referred to as "kooks' and "conspiracy theorists".When we live in a world where mainstream news media is represented by Bill O'Reilly and Shepard Smith,  we have to wonder how much influence they have on the views of the America public and who the "kooks" actually are.

A public opinion study, conducted by the Program on International Policy Attitudes, questioned Americans on their belief of statements made which have been proven false.  Not surprisingly,  a significant number of viewers of the Fox News Network as their primary news source believed these falsehoods and held a great number of misconceptions regarding the War on Iraq.  Stephen Kull, director of Program on International Policy (PIPA), concluded  “While we cannot assert that these misconceptions created the support for going to war with Iraq, it does appear likely that support for the war would be substantially lower if fewer members of the public had these misperceptions.”[1]

To watch this film is certainly a worthwhile effort.  I recommend it to all.


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